
Power Lifting vs. Body Building: Entry #6

Yes, they are two different ways to lift weights. This is what most average gym go-ers fail to realize and that is why most of them never reach their personal lifting goals. However, lifting with no knowledge can still bring you strength gains and some physical definition, but you will never be able to maximize your progress unless you have base knowledge on what you want.

Power Lifting: The basic purpose for power lifting is to reach your potential for strength. You are basically lifting strictly to become stronger. People who power lift usually have incredible strength to weight ratio, power lifting also encourages bulking to maximize gains. With power lifting you will definitely become bigger depending on how you bulk but you wont be as defined as a body builder. Power lifters usually focus on compound-lifts (exercises that work more than one muscle) like...squats, bench, rows, dead lifts, hang cleans, dips, and pullups. Recommended rep range is between 3-5 reps of heavy weight.

Body Building: The main focus of body building is to become more defined, toned, cut, etc. You are lifting to make you body more physically "jacked" instead of trying to gain strength. Most body builders seem to look stronger because of their physical appearance, but usually they are easily out lifted by power lifters. Along their journey to perfect their body, most body builders will gain some amount of strength but not as much as power lifters. Body builders also perform compound-lifts but usually favor isolation lifts like...chest flys, biceps curls, triceps-extensions, calf raises, and leg curls. Recommended rep range is between 10-12 reps of moderate-light weight.

Power lifting is not better than body building, neither is body building superior to power lifting. The two types of lifting both have their "pros" and "cons", deciding between the two types solely is the lifters choice depending on what his/her goal is. If they want to get stronger...I recommend power lifting, but if they want to work on their physical appearance...my vote is for body building.


No Range of Motion = No Strength: Entry #5

I have seen too many lifting fails at the gym that I must inform people the importance about range of motion (ROM)

Range of Motion is the distance you travel the weight from point A to point B. In other words...this is what most average gym go-ers fail to do. The more ROM you produce, the more strength you will have. It doesn't matter how much weight you throw on the bar, if you don't have proper ROM your lift will mean crap.

The most common exercises I see being done with terrible ROM at the gym are the squats and bench presses. It seems like people want to show-off more than getting stronger.

Squats: 25% of the people in the gym actually squat. But only 5% of them do it with proper ROM. For the other 20% who do improper squats...my message is to you. Squatting 225lbs with full ROM is far more impressive than partial squatting 315lbs. If don't reach at least parallel (hips parallel to floor) your squats mean nothing. You build more strength the lower you go since you have to use all your power to move the the weight back up.

Bench: The bench is probably the most famous exercise when it comes to weight lifting. Every where you look in the gym someone is either flat, incline, decline, or even dumbell benching. I'd expect everyone to be good at benching since it's so popular...but no I am wrong. There honestly isn't anything more annoying than seeing a gym "bro" stack on two plates (plate = 45lbs) to each side of the bar and only bench with a ROM of 2-3 inches. I understand most people who have poor ROM usually bench for "bragging rights" but they literally look like morons when they lift. If you cant bring the bar down to your chest, then it's a sign telling you to lower the weight.

Having full ROM is not hard at all, it's actually very easy to achieve. Sure you're going to have to lower the bench and squat weight A LOT but other than having good ROM should only help you. In fact, you will gain more strength from proper range of motion since it requires much more force and power to lift the weight back up.


Friday/Monday Entry #4

I decided to put two workouts into one post. I was originally going to dedicate this post for 
Friday's workout, but Monday was so bad that the workout had to be shared.


Squat: 120x5 150x5 175x5 210x5 245x3 175x8
Bench: 100x5 130x5 155x5 180x5 210x3 155x8
P.Rows: 75x5 95x5 115x5 135x5 160x3 95x5
Assisted Work: Weighted Dips 3x8 Curls 3x8-10 Triceps-Ext. 3x8


Squat: 120x5 150x5 175x5 210x5 240x5
Bench: 100x5 130x5 155x5 180x5 205x5
P.Rows: 75x5 95x5 115x5 135x5 155x5
Assisted Work: Weighted Hyper-Ext 2x10 Hammer Curls 3x8-10
Weighted Abs: Ab Pulldown 4x15

Squat: Friday's session was alright, I hit every rep and went past parallel...but i noticed that my heels were off the floor towards the last rep of 245lbs. Basically, I was squatting with improper form. I was hoping Monday would be different and I would have perfect squat form. I was wrong again...my squats were even worse. Although I hit every rep on my final set my heels were still off the floor. I was also struggling way too much on the last few reps even if I'm currently on a deload of my real squatting weight (255/260). I might actually consider deloading back to 225lbs since that's a weight I'm confident and I also need more form work.

Bench: I had a fantastic day for benching on Friday. I hit 210x3 very explosively and I'm pretty sure I could have gotten a fourth rep...but I decided not to and follow what my routine says. Because of Friday, I was pumped for Monday's benching session. I also hit a new PR of 205x5 on the Monday prior to Friday's workout, so I was even more pumped. But like always...I was wrong again. I only got 205x4.5 for bench today. I seriously thought I would get all five easily, I was so pissed that I did another set of 205lbs towards the end of my workout. The extra set only granted me three reps. I've also noticed from benching that I can lift more when I'm seriously pissed vs. trying to get pumped on my own.

P.Rows: My rows for Friday were neither good or bad, they were mediocre. I reached all my reps for each set with little struggle. I was expecting the same for today. I got all five reps for my last set but technically I only got three. For the last two reps of 155lbs I wasn't able to bring the bar all the way to my lower abs. I might actually consider deloading 5lbs for this lift as well, since I've been doing 155/160 for 2-3 weeks now with no progress.

Assisted/Ab Work: They went well like usual. My biceps on Friday literally felt like they were going to pop since I decided to do 5x8-15 vs. the traditional 3x8-10. Other than my biceps work, there isn't anything else worth mentioning.


Madcow “Recovery” Day: Wednesday Entry #3

Like the title says, Wednesday are my recovery days. They are the day I allow my body to recover from the heavy lifting on Mondays. These “recovery” days also allow my body to be ready and prepared for more heavy lifting on Fridays. Although I am required to push out my 5RM for both the overhead press and dead lift, Wednesday are still known as the “recovery” day since I'm only doing four sets of five (4x5) instead of five sets of five (5x5).

Typical Wednesday workout

Light Squats: 120x5 150x5 175x5 175x5
Overhead Press: 95x5 110x5 130x5 150x5
Dead Lift: 145x5 175x5 205x5 235x5
Assisted Work: Wide Grip Pullups 3x10
Abs: 3x15-20

For the most part my workout went incredibly well, I reached all my desired sets and reps.

Squats: I had absolutely no problem with squats on Wednesday, I reached ATG for all four sets. These are one of the main reasons why I love recovery day squats, I never have to put out maximum effort so I always know I'll achieve every rep.

OH Press: I want everyone to know that the press is my all time favorite exercise. Why? It's my most impressive exercise because I can press over my body weight and I still make new gains every few weeks. Most average lifters usually never reach this status, the press is known to be one of the hardest exercise to do more than your body weight. However, although I achieved all five reps I'm planning on repeating the same weight next week because I didn’t bring the bar down as far as I wanted.

Dead Lift: My “deads” this week were not hard at all...but I still felt my grip slipping towards the last rep. If any lifter saw my stats, they too would probably notice that my dead lift is my weakest exercise. For some odd reason I cannot manage to gain more strength any faster for dead lifts. I think it's because of my crappy grip, no matter how well I grab the bar my hands always start slipping towards the fourth and fifth rep.

Assisted Work: Instead of only doing 3x10 of wide grip pullups, I decided to add two more sets in. Now my lats are very sore and I can feel them whenever I move my arms.

For next Wednesday, my squat weight will probably be increased by five pounds since this workout went so well. I think I'll be repeating 150lbs for my OH press and try to bring the bar lower. I might increase the weight on my dead lift because I hit all five reps in my last session and it's time for an upgrade.