
Power Lifting vs. Body Building: Entry #6

Yes, they are two different ways to lift weights. This is what most average gym go-ers fail to realize and that is why most of them never reach their personal lifting goals. However, lifting with no knowledge can still bring you strength gains and some physical definition, but you will never be able to maximize your progress unless you have base knowledge on what you want.

Power Lifting: The basic purpose for power lifting is to reach your potential for strength. You are basically lifting strictly to become stronger. People who power lift usually have incredible strength to weight ratio, power lifting also encourages bulking to maximize gains. With power lifting you will definitely become bigger depending on how you bulk but you wont be as defined as a body builder. Power lifters usually focus on compound-lifts (exercises that work more than one muscle) like...squats, bench, rows, dead lifts, hang cleans, dips, and pullups. Recommended rep range is between 3-5 reps of heavy weight.

Body Building: The main focus of body building is to become more defined, toned, cut, etc. You are lifting to make you body more physically "jacked" instead of trying to gain strength. Most body builders seem to look stronger because of their physical appearance, but usually they are easily out lifted by power lifters. Along their journey to perfect their body, most body builders will gain some amount of strength but not as much as power lifters. Body builders also perform compound-lifts but usually favor isolation lifts like...chest flys, biceps curls, triceps-extensions, calf raises, and leg curls. Recommended rep range is between 10-12 reps of moderate-light weight.

Power lifting is not better than body building, neither is body building superior to power lifting. The two types of lifting both have their "pros" and "cons", deciding between the two types solely is the lifters choice depending on what his/her goal is. If they want to get stronger...I recommend power lifting, but if they want to work on their physical appearance...my vote is for body building.

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